FCH Finance City Hamburg

You are reading the original text

Thank you for your interest in a translation into plain language. Unfortunately, we cannot offer the article in plain language at this time. We are trying to expand the range.

Thank you for your interest in a translation into sign language. Unfortunately, we cannot offer the article in sign language at this time. We are trying to expand the range.

Statement on Accessibility

Statement on Accessibility 

FCH Finance City Hamburg GmbH endeavours to make the website www.finance-city.hamburg accessible in accordance with the provisions of the Hamburg Disability Equality Act (HmbBGG) and the accessibility requirements of the Hamburg Accessible Information Technology Ordinance (HmbBITVO) implementing Directive (EU) 2016/2102.

This accessibility statement applies to the website www.finance-city.hamburg.

Status of Compliance with the Requirements 

The verification of compliance with the requirements is based on: 

- an assessment carried out by Dataport AöR from 06.12.2021 to 09.12.2021. 

Based on the review, the website is partially compatible with the aforementioned requirements due to the following incompatibilities. 

Non-Accessible Areas 

- Adaptability: there are some visual lists that are currently not structured as such. 

- Navigability: there are weak link texts (‘More’, ‘Read more’, ‘Contact’) across pages that can make them difficult to navigate. 

- Compatible: Status messages for search results are not available programmatically. 

Accessible Content Beyond Legal Requirements 

The following content has been created with the intention of implementing a higher level of digital accessibility than required by law: 

- Numerous texts are provided in plain language and sign language. 

Date of Creation or Last Update of the Declaration 

This declaration was created on 10.12.2021. 

Conclusion: the website is designed to be accessible for the most part. There are some accessibility deficiencies that limit its use. 

Report Barriers: Get in Touch with Feedback Contacts 

Would you like to report existing barriers or ask for information on implementing accessibility? For your feedback as well as any further information, please contact our responsible contact persons.


+49 40 36138780


Enforcement Procedure 

As part of an enforcement procedure, you have the option of submitting an online request for a review of compliance with accessibility requirements.

Hamburg IT Conciliation Board

c/o Hamburg Chamber of Commerce

Legal & Fair Play Division

Adolphsplatz 1 20457 Hamburg